Thursday, March 19, 2020

Challenger Disaster essays

Challenger Disaster essays It would be difficult to argue the fact that the events of the brief flight of the Challenger that took place on January 28, 1986 was not an accident. By definition, an accident is an unexpected, undesirable event. The violent loss of one human life was in this case, an accident. Not only were the lives of the astronauts on board the Challenger lost, but members of their families were permanently altered as a result of the Challenger. Not only were the individuals on board the Challenger astronauts, but they were also spouses and parents to some and children and siblings to others. Although the consequences were anticipated, the emotional affects of that day will never escape the lives of those involved. Beyond the personal affects of the Challenger, the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), the George C, Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), and Morton Thiokol (the prime contractor for the two solid-fuel boosters used to blast the shuttle into space) cannot refuse to admit that the results of the January 28, 1986 launch of the Challenger was an accident. But to admit that the results of the January 28, 1986 launch of the Challenger were an accident is not an explanation. It is safe to assume that, perhaps, thousands of people were involved in the research and development of the space station to bring it to the point in the history of the Challenger. The goal of the space program was set by former President John F. Kennedy when he proposed to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade. The goal was not to spend billions of dollars and to sacrifice the lives of human beings in order to win the space race. The question regarding the possibility of the Challe nger explosion being an accident does not require as much consideration as does the question regarding how did this lack of proper communication result in such a tremendous los...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Improve Grades with These Study Group Ideas

Improve Grades with These Study Group Ideas Many students get more out of study time when they study with a group. Group study can improve your grades, because group work  gives you more opportunity for comparing class notes and brainstorming potential test questions. If you are facing a big exam, you should try studying with a group. Use these tips to make the most of your time. If you cant get together face-to-face, you can create an online study group, too. Exchange contact information. Students should exchange email addresses, Facebook  info, and phone numbers, so everyone can be contacted to help the others. Find meeting times that work for everybody. The bigger the group, the more effective the study time will be. If necessary, you could assign two times a day, and those who show up each scheduled time can study together. Everybody bring a question. Each member of the study group should write and bring a test question and quiz the other group members. Hold a discussion about the quiz questions you bring. Discuss the questions and see if everyone agrees. Compare class notes and textbooks to find answers. Create fill-in and essay questions for more impact. Divide a pack of blank note cards and have everyone write a fill-in or essay question. In your study session, swap cards several time so everyone can study each question. Discuss your results. Make sure each member contributes. Nobody wants to deal with a slacker, so dont be one! You can avoid this by having a conversation and agreeing to commit on the first day. Communication is a wonderful thing! Try communicating via Google Docs or Facebook. There are lots of ways you can study without actually gathering together, if necessary. Its possible to quiz one another online.